Forest Department Management System

Original price was: ₹3,500.00.Current price is: ₹3,000.00.

Internet Tools   –  HTML, JAVASCRIPT
Language  –  PYTHON( Django Framework)
Operating System  –  WINDOWS 7 & Above
Back End  –  MySQL
Web Browser  –  Any Browser
Documentation  –  Microsoft Word 2010

CPU  –  Dual Core
Hard Disk Space  –  1 TB
Main Memory  –  4GB
Key Board  –  104 Keys
Clock-Speed  –  2.6 GHZ
Monitor  –  15 ″ SVGA COLOR


Forest Department is one of the few oldest and important administrative organs that conserve and
expand unique and complex natural forests of Kerala for posterity, in particular with regard to
water; biodiversity; extent; productivity; soil, environmental, historical, cultural and aesthetic
values, without affecting their ecological processes. The forests of Kerala are managed to
increase the productivity of forest plantations through appropriate management interventions and
use of modern technology to meet the needs of the present and future generations, to increase the
tree cover both inside and outside the forest to meet the timber & non-timber demands of the
society, to meet the livelihood needs of tribals and other forest dependent communities, to
sustainably conserve and manage biodiversity-rich and sensitive ecosystems such as mangroves,
sacred groves, coastal areas, wetlands, homesteads, private plantations etc. which are outside the
control of the Forest Department and to improve the standard of living of the forest dependent
tribals and village communities.



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Add/Edit /Delete flora details
Add/Edit /Delete fauna details
Add/Edit /Delete product type and product details(Shopping cart)
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Forest Department
Edit Profile
Add/Edit /Delete awareness program
Add/Edit /Delete Forest officers
View/delete entry pass request
Provides entry pass
View News

View Forest Details
View awareness program
View news
Apply for entry pass
Online Shopping for forest products


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